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2nd UNIgreen Joint International Center
Read more →: 2nd UNIgreen Joint International CenterOn October 14-16, the UNIgreen European University Alliance held the working meeting of the Join International Centre (JIC) at the Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI). UNIgreen, the green European University, is…
People behind UNIgreen: Simon Houdouin
Read more →: People behind UNIgreen: Simon HoudouinCould you please introduce yourself? My name is Simon Houdouin and I live in France. I grew up in Paris, however since I have visited other places , in France and…
HEPL receives a honorary title of “Fairtrade school”
Read more →: HEPL receives a honorary title of “Fairtrade school”On 2th October, the University College of Province of Liege (HEPL) was organizing its annual academic “Back-to-school” conference, on the topic of the “social situation in Wallonie” (Belgian french-speaking region). On…
UNIgreen has adopted a new Internationalisation Strategy
Read more →: UNIgreen has adopted a new Internationalisation StrategyUNIgreen has adopted a new Internationalisation Strategy that will guide our Alliance in fulfilling our common vision. For the academic community, it is natural to have many links abroad and that…
Meet the first UNIgreen Ambassadors
Read more →: Meet the first UNIgreen AmbassadorsWe proudly welcome our first group of UNIgreen Ambassadors! What is this initiative? The UNIgreen Ambassador Programme gives students from our institutions the chance to become the face and voice of…
UNIMORE Rector Elected Chair of the UNIgreen General Assembly
Read more →: UNIMORE Rector Elected Chair of the UNIgreen General AssemblyProf. Dr. Carlo Adolfo Porro, Rector of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), has been elected as the Chair of the UNIgreen General Assembly. The General Assembly serves as…
European Universities alliances unite to create a joint Community of Practice
Read more →: European Universities alliances unite to create a joint Community of PracticeEuropean Universities alliances are joining forces in a project called FOR-EU4All. The project brings together all current and future European Universities alliances—numbering over 60—into a unified, cohesive structure. The goal is…
Launch of the UNIgreen Joint PhD Programme
Read more →: Launch of the UNIgreen Joint PhD ProgrammeWe are proud to launch the first edition of the UNIgreen Joint PhD Programme in Agri-Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology, a significant milestone for the UNIgreen Alliance. The UNIgreen Joint PhD…
UNIgreen Values Social Media Challenge
Read more →: UNIgreen Values Social Media ChallengeWe are thrilled to invite all members of the UNIgreen Community to participate in our first social media challenge, aimed at showcasing the UNIgreen Values. As part of our Building a…