August 19, 2024 – October 31, 2024

UNIgreen Welcome Week

SupBiotech Engineering School of Biotechnology

On 2 September 2024, SupBiotech will organise a day dedicated to welcoming international students. It will include a series of engaging activities, such as campus tours, cultural exchanges, and interactive workshops designed to help students settle in and connect with their peers.

On 19 September 2024, during the Associations Forum held at SupBiotech, a dedicated UNIgreen stand will welcome all students to discover more about the UNIgreen Alliance through a trivia. Top scorers will be awarded prizes such as UNIgreen tote bags, USB drives, or notebooks.

Polytechnic University of Coimbra (PUC)

From 2 to 13 September 2024, a Portuguese Language and Culture Course will be taught at the Penedo da Saudade Cultural Centre. It includes, in addition to the theoretical part (classes), workshops and activities related to arts and traditions such as games, ceramics and traditional Portuguese music, as well as a visit to the Coimbra region, namely to Praia da Tocha to experience the Xávega art.

On 23 November 2024, to mark the  Native Forest Day, PUC will plant trees to reduce the carbon footprint of its Global Week which took place in May 2024. It will be an outdoor activity for incoming students to be held in partnership with PUC’s School of Technology and Management of Oliveira do Hospital.

University of Almería (UAL)

UAL Welcome Days will take place on 5 and 6 September 2024. Incoming students will participate in a full two-days programme including sessions about administrative issues, Spanish culture, library, sports, cultural activities offered by the university and other interesting information for their stay.

The highlight of this year will be the UAL – UNIgreen Travel Award. All the incoming students have the possibility to participate in this contest, by taking sustainable means of transport to reach Almería. Three (3) prizes will be given away during the event. It should be an exciting way to present the opportunities UNIgreen offers to all students!

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)

The SGGW Student Council, in cooperation with WePoint (Welcome Point) and Erasmus Student Network, invites all newly admitted international students to Welcome Day on 5 October 2024.

The event will provide an excellent opportunity to get insight into the university and get to know members of student organisations. Participants will be given information regarding the university structure and its units, student’s rights and obligations, health insurance, and public transport in Warsaw. SGGW Polish students will introduce Polish culture to their international fellows and present opportunities for integration into the student community.

This information is currently being updated and will be expanded as additional details become available. For more information, we recommend that you contact the UNIgreen team at your institution.