The UNIgreen General Assembly is the highest decision-making body and, as such, brings together the executive leaders (Rectors and Presidents) of the eight institutions that compose the UNIgreen Alliance. The main responsibilities of the UNIgreen General Assembly are to define the overall vision, long-term strategy and general policy of UNIgreen, as well as to accept new members.
The UNIgreen Board of Directors is mandated by the Alliance executive leaders (in other words, the General Assembly) and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Alliance strategic agenda and for advising the strategic and operational structures.
The day-to-day management and implementation of common initiatives falls under the responsibility of the Joint International Centre, which is the UNIgreen operational body. Therefore, it is the central contact point for the Alliance and is directly responsible for the implementation of the Alliance Work Plan through its dedicated Units that work on the different areas of activity of the Alliance.
The UNIgreen Scientific and Pedagogical Council is a hybrid structure that intervenes in all matters related to Teaching & Learning and Research, Development & Innovation. Among its responsibilities are the selection of subjects and topics covered by the UNlgreen study offer, and the validation of the functioning and organisation of the UNlgreen International Doctoral School.
The UNIgreen Advisory Board gathers representatives from the UNIgreen Academic Community (students, non-teaching staff, teaching staff, and researchers) and Associated Partners. The purpose of this structure is to issue recommendations to the Board of Directors, and to ensure the continuous dialogue between UNIgreen governance and management structures with the Academic Community and with representatives from local Associated Partners and other stakeholders. As the Alliance consulting body, it provides inputs to the development and definition of different initiatives within the framework of UNIgreen.