HomeAbout UNIgreenMissions


    Support the Green Transition

    This UNIgreen Mission refers to the importance of providing an updated scientific and technological framework to skill, upskill, reskill and empower existing and future professionals and experts in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences, allowing them to master the green transition and lead the development of the European green economy.

    Boost Innovation

    The objective of this UNIgreen Mission is to attract talented students, staff, researchers and stakeholders from around the world to be at the centre stage of innovation and co-create and test innovative solutions to enhance local and regional development. This will be attained by offering cutting-edge answers to solve local problems in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences.

    Globally Connected

    Through this UNIgreen Mission, the goal is to bring education, research, innovation and service to society into alignment through collaborative global partnerships for a knowledge-based society. Such partnerships will contribute to promote the smooth transition of students to international labour markets, to mainstream green knowledge and practices for societal resilience and competitiveness, and to inspire Education & Training institutions worldwide to think and act green.

    For All and With All

    This UNIgreen Mission reflects our commitment to providing an inclusive and blended education environment based on the principles of equality and diversity, free of all types of violence, harmful speech, discrimination and gender stereotypes. Our purpose is to empower students and members of the Academic Community to thrive as critical-thinking, problem-solving, multicultural, multilingual, entrepreneurial, creative, responsible and socially engaged citizens that share a common European identity and work towards becoming role models in combatting gender stereotypes.