HomeEducationUNIgreen Educational Mission

UNIgreen Educational Mission


  • Design and deliver joint study programmes in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences.
  • Provide an updated scientific and technological background for education in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences.
  • Jointly offer excellent education at all levels based on different learning models (on campus, blended, e-learning) and flexible learning pathways.

Strategy and Pedagogical Framework:

The overall approach and vision of UNIgreen regarding teaching and learning are aligned with the vision of the European Education Area by 2025. Our student-centred pedagogical model favours flexible learning pathways to facilitate the acquisition of new essential skills for the green economy. Short learning programmes and micro-credentials will be offered, mainly via the UNIgreen Virtual Campus, providing interactive courses, case studies, and testimonials to enhance specific professional skills.

Quality Assurance and Degree Recognition:

We are committed to defining a common approach to quality assurance in line with the ESG 2015 standards, and establishing criteria for the recognition of existing study programmes delivered by Alliance Members. A particular emphasis is placed on assessing and harmonising quality criteria, as well as setting up formal mechanisms for the approval, periodic review, and monitoring of our programmes.

Training for Teachers and Support Staff:

Continuous training of our staff is crucial for the success of our educational mission. The training programmes for professors and support staff are designed to enhance capacities on the UNIgreen pedagogical model, promote the adoption of new pedagogical practices, and ensure a solid understanding of our quality assurance strategy.

Educational Resources and Joint Doctoral Program:

Identifying and providing relevant educational material is essential to support our educational initiatives. We work on mapping and cataloguing existing educational resources, favouring an open access approach. Additionally, our joint doctoral programme in “Science, Technology and Agri-food Biotechnology” aims to provide both advanced knowledge and experiential learning, promoting the co-creation and testing of innovative solutions for local and regional development.

Harmonization of Master’s Degrees:

The harmonisation of existing second cycle degrees in the fields of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology, and Environmental and Life Sciences is a major focus. This includes the identification of main learning activities, teaching/learning modes, and enrolment criteria for double/multiple recognition of the study programme. Proper documentation will be prepared for institutional approval according to the national rules in each Alliance country. Additionally, a new joint Master’s degree offer will be created, focusing on subjects such as “Plant based bioprocessing”, “Food quality and technologies”, “Sustainable rural development”, and “Circular Economy”, among others.

Lifelong Learning Offer:

The UNIgreen Lifelong Learning offer aims to provide professionals graduated in our areas of expertise with up-to-date knowledge, skills, and competences, aligned with the labour market needs and the latest innovations supporting the green transition. A wide range of learning and training opportunities will be offered to allow graduates to continue building their capacities throughout their lives. This includes postgraduate courses, seminars, short intensive courses, and summer/winter schools. These trainings are designed to facilitate the transition between study cycles, in accordance with the expected European standards for