The purpose of the UNIgren equality month is to give visibility to, and raise awareness about, questions related to diversity, inclusiveness and multiculturalism.
In parallel, we organise the UNIgreen Equality Day on 14th November, this year, we focus on gender equality and will organise two online talks: Gender Equality in teaching and research and Gender based violence.
Onsite events

Polytechnic University of Coimbra (Portugal)
November 6th – there will be a Meeting, with speakers, on “Gender equality and non-discrimination: reality and challenges”, open to all, led by elements of the PUC Equality Commission.
Between 4th and 12th of November, students will be invited to express, on a sheet of scenario paper available in coffee bars of the different schools, what they think about gender equality, and also in instagram stories.
On November 13 there will be debates on the opinions formulated, led by a teacher, a student and a staff member in each School.

SupBiotech, Engineering School of Biotechnology (France)
From 12 to 15 November
Poster Campaigns on Campus
- An exhibition to see and listen to, aimed at deepening understanding of sexual and gender-based violence, created by students.
- Poster on the importance of consent: “sans oui, c’est interdit” organised by the Ministry of Higher Education.
Tuesday, November 12
- 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM: Krav Maga class – registration required (QR code to the right), held in Room C102 (30 spots available).
- 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM: Afterwork organised by BioCampus, with a screening of the film Les Incorrectes.
Wednesday, November 13
- 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM: Innov’eat Association’s Crepe Sale and brief presentation of UNIgreen and its gender equality plan.
Wednesday, November 27
- 9:00 PM to 12:00 PM: Staff and student participate to a mural of sexism.

University-College of the Province of Liège (Belgium)
On 13th November, HEPL will organize a full day about gender equality:
- Presentation : Equality office, ambassador student, WP5.
- Conference (Prisme) about gender equality and LGBTQIA+ rights.
- Testimony : non-binary persons.
- Escape game about gender Equality (organized by BeCool@school)

University of Almería (Spain)
15th November
Gender-based violence in childhood and youth: new challenges
Brief presentation of UNIgreen and its gender equality plan. Afterwards, presentation and debate on the prevention of gender-based violence and related crimes committed through information and communication technologies, as well as economic violence. Three professors from the Department of Law of the University of Almería will participate in this activity with the following topics:
- Fátima Pérez Ferrer. The current challenges of Criminal Law in Artificial Intelligence: vulnerable victims.
- Ana María Pérez Vallejo. Digital gender violence in adolescence and youth.
- Alba Paños Pérez. Economic violence as a manifestation of gender violence.

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
26 November 2024, 14:30 to 18:00 at the UNIMORE Department of Education and Human Sciences – Reggio Emilia Campus.
“UOMINI COME TANTI. Il contrasto alla violenza attraverso l’educazione alle relazioni”.
Screening of the docufilm “UOMINI COME TANTI. Il contrasto alla violenza attraverso l’educazione alle relazioni” followed by a round table with Mariagrazia Contini, director of the documentary.
The event, organized by the Department of Education and Human Sciences in cooperation with the Single Guarantee Committee (CUG) of UNIMORE, focuses on how to counter gender violence through relationship education.
Open to the public

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland)
13th November, on Teams 13:00, meeting with Izabela Pigan, president of the Women of the Forest Association, entitled Professions not for women?
The Women of the Forest Association works to integrate women working in the National Forest Holding State Forests or other forestry-related institutions, increase the professional activity of women working in the National Forest Holding State Forests, and identify and promote women leaders. The association helps in the development and comprehensive education of women and supports women in difficult life situations. It promotes good manners and ethics in professional and social life, carries out information and education activities in labour, family and other laws, promotes the balance between professional, family and private life, cooperates with national and foreign organisations, particularly from the European Union area.
14th November, on Teams at 15:30, ‘Women’s Lab’ “Multidimensionality of gender – from education to good research and innovation projects” meeting with Monika Ryndzionek, PhD.
Gender expert at the National Contact Point for EU Research Programmes at the National Centre for Research and Development, with a PhD from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Coordinator of the campaign ‘Become an expert of Horizon Europe’. Researcher of socialisation processes in the family, dealing with issues of social inequality based on gender. Author of publications on the borderline between pedagogy and sociology of education, including the books ‘Transgressive trajectories. Social status changes in biographical perspective’ (Krakow 2011) and ‘Women in intimate relationships. An empirical-critical study’ (Warsaw 2017). She has extensive experience conducting trainings, workshops, coaching and mentoring sessions.