Type of Opportunity: Employment.
Target Groups: Professionals, Administrative Staff.
Location: Almería, Spain.
Deadline of Application: 4 July 2024.
The University of Almería (UAL) is recruiting a UNIgreen Project Manager.
The UNIgreen Project Manager will be part of the UNIgreen coordination team based at UAL, serving the entire Alliance.
Under the supervision of the General Coordination, they will be responsible for executing the following functions:
- Act as Coordinator of the UNIgreen Joint International Centre.
- Convene, prepare agendas for, and lead the meetings of the UNIgreen Management Panel (the main technical management body of the Alliance).
- Daily management of the Alliance, in close collaboration with the General Coordination at UAL.
- Design, develop, and implement management processes for the UNIgreen Alliance.
- Coordinate and implement the tasks of the UNIgreen Joint International Centre units, in close contact with the coordinators of work packages, working groups, and task forces composed on Alliance Members.
- Assist in budget planning, resource allocation, and scheduling.
- Ensure that reports, deliverables, and milestones are completed on time and to a high quality.
- Assist with the organisation of boards, committees, meetings, etc.
- Participate in Alliance meetings, providing support to the Board of Directors and other Alliance bodies, including making presentations, delivering talks, lectures, workshops, etc.
- Organise and follow up on meetings and external events in which the Alliance participates.
- Draft agendas, prepare presentations, and take minutes for Alliance meetings.
- Collect status information from work packages, identify potential problems, and propose preventive and corrective actions.
- Implement digital tools for project management.
- Coordinate the delivery and approval of deliverables before their submission to the European Commission in close collaboration with the Quality Committee.
- Prepare periodic reports on the project’s execution status.
- Monitor indicators (project impact and Quality Assurance).
- Support the organisation of general Alliance events.
- Communicate with the Project Officer of the EACEA and manage project administration on the Funding and Tenders Portal (continuous reporting, amendments, etc.).
- Study and pre-select European calls for proposals in which UNIgreen and/or its HEIs can participate.
- Draft proposals associated with the previous function.
- Coordinate, together with the executive direction of UNIgreen, the proposal for refinancing the Alliance in the relevant European Commission call.
- Any other tasks related to the European Universities initiative.
For more information, please visit (in Spanish):
- Call document: https://oficina.ual.es/tramitador/ciudadano?idLogica=verificarFirma&idEntidad=UAL&Formato=bin&codigoFirma=7478-6F68-4251-3445-7670
- Corrections to call document: https://oficina.ual.es/tramitador/ciudadano?idLogica=verificarFirma&idEntidad=UAL&Formato=bin&codigoFirma=6241-5348-3238-6A44-4F65
- Application submission link: https://www.ual.es/administracionelectronica/procedimientos/procedimiento/PER1499