HomeResearch & Innovation

Research & Innovation

The core objective of the research endeavours within the UNIgreen alliance encompasses:

  • To promote excellence in scientific research and technological development in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences.
  • To generate knowledge to support the transition towards a climate-neutral and resource-efficient economy in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences.
  • To bring students closer to science and research thanks to an inclusive and sound framework for “learning through research”.
  • To enhance the framework conditions for entrepreneurship in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology and Environmental and Life Sciences.

The UNIgreen Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the research and innovation axis of the Alliance, focused on Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology, and Environmental Sciences. It features 8 thematic Research Units, each coordinated by an Alliance Member, engaged in collaborative creation of innovative solutions, technical support to businesses, and providing students with learning opportunities through research. Supported by various programmes like Horizon Europe, the JRC adheres to an Open Science policy and FAIR data approach, while fostering close collaboration between education, research, and industry.

The UNIgreen Ethics Committee ensures compliance with ethical principles and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) guidelines within the alliance, the JRC, and among researchers, covering areas like biological sources use, gender issues, and open-data. Comprising 18 members, two per Alliance Higher Education Institution, it drafts its workplan for approval by the Board of Directors and the Scientific Council, while sharing its monitoring procedures with the entire UNIgreen academic community and the JRC.

The SURES (Start-Ups for Research) Programme aims to foster entrepreneurship and support the creation of innovative start-ups in Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology, and Environmental and Life Sciences fields, through establishing start-up incubators within each of the 8 JRC Research Units. It calls for proposals from the UNIgreen Academic Community, to be assessed by the JRC Committee. With backing from the Teaching, Research & Innovation Support Office and the International & Project Office, SURES participants will also receive support in developing their soft skills and transversal competences, in collaboration with the Knowledge Transfer & Society Office.

The UNIgreen International Doctoral School oversees the implementation of the UNIgreen joint PhD programme, pairing students with opportunities at the UNIgreen Joint Research Centre. Managed by the UNIgreen Research & Innovation Unit, its mission is to support the further specialisation for PhD students and holders, aiming to attract global PhD students and increase international publications. Moreover, together with the UNIgreen Mobility Unit, it is involved in shaping mobility opportunities for PhD students.

UNIgreen will conduct Scientific Missions to enhance lifelong learning among researchers, foster excellence, and promote knowledge exchange between junior and senior research staff affiliated with UNIgreen. These missions are part of the UNIgreen Living Lab initiative aimed at accelerating cooperation and ideation through knowledge forums and seminars. In partnership with the Mobility Office, an annual call for proposals will be initiated for exchanges between junior and senior research staff, fostering collaborations within the Joint Research Centre and International Doctoral School, with potential funding through EU programmes like Horizon Europe and Erasmus+.