University of Almería Hosts two UNIgreen Summer School Courses

The University of Almería (UAL) is proud to host two courses as part of the UNIgreen Summer School.

Each course spans 80 hours and includes an initial segment focused on learning Spanish. The first course, “Engineering of Microalgae Bioprocesses: From the Cell to the Final Product,” began this Monday. The second course, “Microorganisms, Biotechnology, and Sustainability: The Power of the Invisible,” will run from 1 to 26 July. Both courses are open to participants from countries outside the Alliance.

These courses are offered within the framework of the ‘Study Abroad’ programme and are designed for students from the UNIgreen Alliance. On 3 June, the first group of students from SupBiotech Engineering School of Biotechnology (France) was warmly welcomed.

The Vice-Rectorate for International Projection and the Rector’s Delegation for UNIgreen and KA2 projects are jointly organising these courses. While primarily open to universities within the UNIgreen European University Alliance, participation is not limited to them.

The courses include:

“Microalgae Bioprocess Engineering: From the Cell to the Final Product” – This course, which began this Monday and runs until 19June, aims to train students in the rapidly growing field of microalgae bioprocesses. Participants will gain comprehensive insights into producing commercial products from microalgae, including examining key development elements, discussing bioreactor selection strategies, and reviewing best practices to maximise manufacturing efficiency. The course also covers the role of microalgae in the circular economy.

“Microorganisms, Biotechnology, and Sustainability: The Power of the Invisible” – Scheduled from 1 to 26 July, will delve into the significant impact of microorganisms on biotechnology and sustainability.

Both courses include a component dedicated to enhancing participants’ Spanish language skills, covering oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, and reading comprehension to ensure effective communication in Spanish.

We look forward to welcoming more students to these exciting and educational courses!

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