Blackboard Platform Training for UNIgreen Staff

UNIgreen is organising a series of trainings on the use of the Blackboard platform, a widely used online learning management system (LMS) that provides tools for faculty and students to engage in digital educational environments.

The course was designed as an introduction to Blackboard, where basic concepts and functionalities are addressed. Through case studies and simple exercises, participants become familiar with the interface and the fundamental tools offered by the platform.

At the same time, participants learn how to create and manage content within Blackboard, such as uploading documents, setting up units of study, and creating assignments for students. Moreover, the course will cover how to use the various communication tools, such as discussion forums and internal emails, to interact with students and colleagues.

The course includes practical examples to teach how to structure a course efficiently, how to use the assessment and feedback features, and how to take advantage of the collaboration options offered by Blackboard. It also explains how to assign homework, grade assignments, and keep track of evaluations.

The goal is to provide participants with a solid foundation to start using Blackboard confidently and effectively in their teaching and administrative activities within the scope of the UNIgreen Alliance.

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