Meet the first UNIgreen Ambassadors

We proudly welcome our first group of UNIgreen Ambassadors!

What is this initiative?

The UNIgreen Ambassador Programme gives students from our institutions the chance to become the face and voice of the UNIgreen Alliance.

UNIgreen Ambassadors will play a key role in supporting the Alliance by actively participating in various UNIgreen events and awareness-raising activities. They will also help strengthen connections with their fellow students, fostering a closer and more engaged community.

UNIgreen Ambassadors 2024/2025

Join us in congratulating:

  • Representing the Agricultural University of Iceland – Ari Kristinn Gunnarsson
  • Representing the Agricultural University – Plovdiv – Dimitar Grancharov
  • Representing the Polytechnic University of Coimbra – Laura Grácio and Miguel Cascais
  • Representing SupBiotech Engineering School of Biotechnology – Simon Houdouin
  • Representing the University-College of the Province of Liège – Ricarda Voka Lukensu
  • Representing the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Sabina Sacchetti
  • Representing the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – Aparna Roy

We look forward to working with all of you and wish both our Ambassadors and the entire UNIgreen Community an inspiring academic year ahead!

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