People behind UNIgreen: Dulce Caetano

Could you please introduce yourself?

My name Is Dulce Caetano, I’m from Portugal and I work at the Polytechnic University of Coimbra (PUC) since 1999. I’ve started in the Communication and Public Relations Office from It’s Coimbra Education School and since 2006 I’m at the International Office of the Central Services. In UNIgreen, and presently, I’m the WP4 coordinator.

Which added value or benefits of UNIgreen would you like to highlight, and why?

UNIgreen – European University is an innovative and challenge alliance under the Erasmus+ program that focuses on fostering sustainability, green technologies and environmental sciences across Europe. This initiative brings together 8 different institutions from diverse countries that all together aims to create a collaborative educational ecosystem that promotes interdisciplinary learning, research, and innovation in addressing global environmental challenges.

One of the key highlights of UNIgreen is its commitment to sustainability education, preparing students to become future leaders in green and sustainable practices. Through this alliance, students/researchers all the staff involved will gain access to cutting-edge research, diverse academic programs, and cross-border mobility opportunities, enhancing their global perspectives and employability. Additionally, UNIgreen’s focus on creating strong industry partnerships that ensures that students can engage with real-world challenges, equipping them with practical skills and knowledge to drive positive environmental change.

The emphasis on a shared European vision for a greener future and the ability to connect students, faculty and researchers across borders, make UNIgreen a standout initiative within the Erasmus+ program.

Please tell us what UNIgreen means to you and use one word to describe it.

In an institutionally view I see UNigreen as a transformative opportunity for our higher education institution. It enhances our academic excellence by fostering collaboration with other universities, sharing innovative practices, and promoting sustainability in education. Through this project, we strengthen our international partnerships, attract diverse talent, and enrich our curriculum with global perspectives. UNIgreen enables us to contribute to shaping a greener future while empowering our students and staff to become leaders in sustainable development. It’s a significant step forward in our commitment to excellence and societal impact.

In a personal way UNIgreen represents a unique opportunity to grow, both personally and professionally. Through this experience, I’m able to connect with diverse cultures, gain new perspectives, and develop valuable skills in sustainability and environmental sciences. It’s empowering to be part of a community that’s dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.


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