U-GREEN aiming for more environmentally committed European citizens

Last month, the University of Almería hosted the final meeting of the U-GREEN project, whose main objectives are to address the ecological transition and turn universities into catalysts to promote behavioural change in a new generation of European citizens.

U-GREEN is funded by the Spanish National Erasmus+ Agency (SEPIE) and brings together 8 European Higher Education Institutions and was the seed for UNIgreen. In fact, U-GREEN is the ‘little brother’ of the UNIgreen European University Alliance.

The University of Almería also held the U-GREEN Final Conference in order to disseminate and assess its results at national and international level. A wide range of actors in higher and secondary education will be able to use the guidelines created in the framework of this programme, as well as to obtain the U-GREEN Certification, follow the online training programme for U-GREEN experts and use the virtual repository.

“This event comes to close 30 months of intense work that will culminate on June 30. We have anticipated this date to have a speaker of great international prestige,  Diego Vazquez-Brust, professor of Global Business Sustainability and Strategy at the University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom), closely linked to the UAL whom we thank for his participation. We are delighted to welcome the staff who during this time have worked on the objectives of this project”, explained Tomás Lorenzana, Rector’s Delegate for UNIgreen.

The event was aimed at stakeholders from Education and Training Institutions involved in the implementation of new green and sustainable practices, green professionals, companies and labour market actors; public actors and policy makers; researchers; NGOs, associations and national/European networks active in the promotion of green and sustainable development and practices in education and training.

Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oibMHYYJijU&t=57s

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