UAL-UNIgreen Travel Award for a more sustainable mobility

Demonstrating a commitment to promoting sustainable practices, the University of Almería (UAL) is thrilled to announce the UAL-UNIgreen Travel Award, a unique contest that celebrates eco-friendly travel.

The UAL-UNIgreen Travel Award is aimed at international students who decide to reduce the carbon footprint of their mobility next academic year.

To be eligible for one of the three awards, students will have to document their trip on Instagram always using alternative means of transport other than air travel. The Jury will value the means of transport used, prioritising those less polluting, the distance travelled and the originality of the posts on Instagram.

Ever since our University has been coordinating the UNIgreen Alliance, we have been trying to incorporate the environmental perspective in each of our initiatives. With this award we seek a double objective, on the one hand a net reduction of the carbon footprint of student mobility, and on the other hand, to take advantage of the energy and awareness of the younger generations, since they are already carrying out actions like the ones we want to reward.  

This award will definitely contribute to the awareness of the rest of the university community about the seriousness of the climate crisis and the tools in our hands to combat it.

The hashtag that students will use to share their journeys on Instagram will be #UNIgreenTravelAward. The participants will probably start sharing at the end of August-early September, when they travel to Almería. The awarding of the three prizes will take place at the Student Welcome Days on 6 September 2024.

For more information, we invite you to read the contest rules.

We cannot wait to see our incoming students’ creative and inspiring journeys! Let’s travel green and make a positive impact together!

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