UNIgreen Values Social Media Challenge

We are thrilled to invite all members of the UNIgreen Community to participate in our first social media challenge, aimed at showcasing the UNIgreen Values.

As part of our Building a Better Future Campaign, this month we are introducing our Community to the UNIgreen Code of Values, which reflects our commitment to sustainable education, research, and innovation in support of a more environmentally friendly and resource-efficient future.

To participate in the challenge, follow these steps:

  • Discover and read more about the UNIgreen Values.
  • Follow the instructions released on our UNIgreen Instagram Stories.
  • Post a Story on Instagram depicting how a specific UNIgreen value is reflected in your daily life.

This is a fantastic opportunity to give visibility to the values that unite and define our Community. We look forward to seeing how you embody these principles in your everyday actions.

Join us in Building a Better Future and help us spread the UNIgreen message!

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