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UAL-UNIgreen Travel Award for a more sustainable mobility
Read more →: UAL-UNIgreen Travel Award for a more sustainable mobilityDemonstrating a commitment to promoting sustainable practices, the University of Almería (UAL) is thrilled to announce the UAL-UNIgreen Travel Award, a unique contest that celebrates eco-friendly travel. The UAL-UNIgreen Travel Award…
UAL hosts meeting with Andalusian Universities involved in European University Alliances
Read more →: UAL hosts meeting with Andalusian Universities involved in European University AlliancesEight out of the ten Andalusian public higher education institutions participating in the European Universities initiative participated in a fruitful day of work at the University of Almeria (UAL), showing the…
Total success of the first BIP of Alliance students at UAL
Read more →: Total success of the first BIP of Alliance students at UALFrom July 1 to 5, the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Intensive Programme (BIP) called “Digital transformation of agro-companies” was held at the UAL campus, coordinated by Antonio Fernández Martínez, professor at the…
University of Almería Hosts two UNIgreen Summer School Courses
Read more →: University of Almería Hosts two UNIgreen Summer School CoursesThe University of Almería (UAL) is proud to host two courses as part of the UNIgreen Summer School. Each course spans 80 hours and includes an initial segment focused on learning…
U-GREEN aiming for more environmentally committed European citizens
Read more →: U-GREEN aiming for more environmentally committed European citizensLast month, the University of Almería hosted the final meeting of the U-GREEN project, whose main objectives are to address the ecological transition and turn universities into catalysts to promote behavioural…
UAL hosts and trains CIRCULAR Consortium Members
Read more →: UAL hosts and trains CIRCULAR Consortium MembersBetween the 23 and 26 April, the University of Almería hosted a four-day face-to-face meeting of the project ‘Circular Economy Living Laboratories supporting Social Innovation in Southeast Asia’. Co-funded by the…
UAL hosts the U-GREEN Final Conference
Read more →: UAL hosts the U-GREEN Final ConferenceThe University of Almería hosts the U-GREEN Final Conference on 24 and 25 April 2024. Coordinated by UAL, U-GREEN is a “spin-off” project that brings together all UNIgreen Alliance Members and…
UNIgreen has reinforced its Alliance and strengthened its foundations at UAL
Read more →: UNIgreen has reinforced its Alliance and strengthened its foundations at UALThe first Joint International Centre Working Meeting, the first annual face-to-face meeting of UNIgreen’s operational structure, was successfully concluded. During this event, the nine work packages that comprise the Alliance and…
UAL hosts the first annual meeting of UNIgreen’s Joint International Centre (JIC)
Read more →: UAL hosts the first annual meeting of UNIgreen’s Joint International Centre (JIC)It will take place from October 23 to 25, and staff from the eight Higher Education Institutions of the Alliance will attend. The objective is to obtain a global vision of…